‘It’s in our name’
We care about vending, about health and wellbeing, the environment, and of course, our staff and valued clients.
At Care Vending we provide CQUIN compliant vending for the NHS, healthy vending packages for schools and affordable solutions throughout. We also make sure we minimize time on the road for our fleet and offer AAA low power machine options as well as compostable cups and recycling schemes.
And now we’ve gone one step further to make our business carbon neutral with the assistance of Carbon Neutral Britain.
We take ‘Care’ so seriously we put it in our name.
Caring is in our name so you can imagine the environment features strongly in our thoughts.
We constantly strive to reduce our carbon footprint and any environmental impact. We reduce vehicle emissions by optimising route planning, we support farmers by using Fair Trade, Rain Forrest Alliance and Utz fairly traded products. We offer electricity saving devices to customers and increase our levels of recycling. We are proud to have been awarded a Gold Star for recycling as part of the National Recycling Stars program.
Carbon Neutral – Care Vending
It has never been more important for businesses to step up and take account of the environmental impact associated with their operations.
In the UK, businesses account for over 85% of total GHG emissions – making corporate action the number one priority in helping stop climate change.
Looking to do their part for the environment, Care Vending Services Ltd engaged with Carbon Neutral Britain in November 2020, with the ambition to measure and offset their total organisations emissions – to become a Carbon Neutral Business.

As an organisation with over 25 years in the vending industry, providing vending products and services, it was identified that the main emissions were to occur from company owned/leased vehicles and the mileage completed within the reporting period.
“We are delighted to partner with Care Vending Services Ltd to help identify and offset their environmental impact for 2020 and beyond.”
James Poynter – Director – Carbon Neutral Britain
The emissions calculations have been made using client-supplied activity data, with assumed full disclosure of all relevant and necessary information. The data received (such as energy useage in Kwh, or vehicle mileage) are the multiplied by the relevant emissions factors from published and reputable sources.
Depending on the needs of the organisation the emissions factors used in some cases are scientific research journals or independent studies, but in most cases are from HM Government publications. Most commonly used – UK Government Conversion Factors for Company –Reporting (Year: 2022, Expiry: 08/06/2023, Version 2.0) – DBEIS / DEFRA). Any assumptions or estimations of relevant data are taken in to account a report produced for Care Vending Services Ltd.
In December 2021, here at Care Vending Services Ltd, we offset the
total carbon footprint moving forwards to become certified as a Carbon Neutral Business by Carbon Neutral Britain.
As certification awarded by an external organisation, it provides assurance that the carbon neutral claim is robust and credible, following calculation using the ISO 14064:1-2018 and GHG Protocol Emissions Standard principles of relevance, completeness, consistency, transparency and accuracy.
As new technologies and innovations come to market we’ll strive to better our business and offer our valued clients even more environmentally sustainable and viable vending solutions.

Healthy Vending

We have a wide range of healthy options for snacks and drinks available to us through our diverse purchasing network. Many of which have already been implemented in our standard vending offering.
Vitality Vending offers something a little more bespoke. Products sourced from natural ingredients, low-calorie options. All the taste but less of the sins! Having a snack can be an important part of a daily routine, maintaining energy levels, hydration maybe but also as a treat. The best of both worlds!
Each location requires a different solution and we can tailor the products in your Vitality Vending machine to your consumer’s requirements. We work with a wide range of clients in a variety of locations, many with specific requirements for their vending needs.
For example, we have developed a range of products that can meet the tight criteria required for vending in schools as well as being an authorised supplier to the NHS and hospitals.
If we find a product isn’t working for your consumers, we can simply try an alternative. Or there may be one product more popular than anything else. There’s nothing worse than an empty vending machine, so we’ll keep a constant watch on what’s selling and what’s not, offering your consumers a wide range of products suited to their individual tastes.
If you would like to see an example product planogram displaying a range of healthy option snacks and drinks we would be happy to pop in and discuss one to suit your needs.
Call us on 0800 0279 772 or fill in our Contact Form.
Care Vending can provide a range of products to meet the CQUIN criteria.
CQUIN stands for commissioning for quality and innovation. The system was introduced in 2009 to make a proportion of healthcare providers’ income conditional on demonstrating improvements in quality and innovation in specified areas of patient care.
The 2017-19 CQUIN on ‘NHS staff health and wellbeing’ is one of thirteen mandatory CQUINs. Its goal is to improve the food environment and the health of the food offer in hospitals so that it is easier for NHS staff to make healthier choices, supporting their health and wellbeing.
read more here https://www.foodforlife.org.uk/hospitals/benefits/cquin
Ethically Sourced
Our Fairtrade range of products encompasses a range of every day known brands and more bespoke products for the vending market place. Superb quality and taste and all with the benefit of being from sustainable and ethically motivated sources.
“Fairtrade is a strategy for poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Its purpose is to create opportunities for producers and workers who have been economically disadvantaged or marginalized by the conventional trading system. If fair access to markets under better trade conditions would help them to overcome barriers to development, they can join Fairtrade.” – Fairtrade Organisation
Fair Trade Products Include:
- Birchalls leaf tea
- Cafeology vending products
- Cocoaology hot chocolates